Wash The Stank Off: Spiritual Washes & Colognes For Energetic Hygiene

My first introduction to spiritual baths was a white bath. An acquaintance recommended I take one after I expressed to her that I had been having a lot of blocks. It seemed like no matter what I did I could not manifest anything and all the projects I was trying to launch were blocked. This had been going on for several months and I had tried everything I could think of to get things flowing-candle magic, crossroad petition, offerings to ancestors, but nothing was working. I had never heard of a white bath though so I was willing to try it. A white bath is a very simple spiritual bath that is made from all white ingredients-the base being milk and efun. From there you can add additional items according to your needs such as flowers, colognes, essential oils, coconut, honey, etc. White baths are usually recommended to clear away negative energy, cool the head, and improve health. Needless to say the white bath did the trick and I’ve been sold on spiritual baths ever since. 

Spiritual baths are often overlooked in rootwork. A lot of times we go straight to elaborate workings when all is needed is a simple spiritual bath (as was in my case). In my experience I had found that spiritual baths are like a spiritual reset and are the quickest and most effective way to get yourself in alignment with your intention, whether it be money, love, protection, or opening roads. This is because, assuming the bath is prepared correctly, it will both clear your auric field and draw in the energy that you want to manifest. 

Like anything in spell work, the power in a spiritual bath is from the energy that is put into making it. The water and herbs are its most important ingredients. Water is what connects the bath to the spirits and the chlorophyll in the herbs is what carries the magic and the medicine. The water and herbs is what literally gives life to the spiritual bath. Prayers and songs further activate the bath. I pray over every spiritual bath I make. Colognes, such as Florida Water and Kolonia 1800, work in a similar fashion.

I personally prefer using spiritual baths and colognes over conjure oils for a few reasons. First because they can be a much quicker, easier, and more subtle working. Also, if you’re working with Spirits I find that they tend to respond more fully to washes/colognes. It’s as though the scents stir the Spirits to action. I also find washes/colognes to be more versatile than conjure oils. Many will get their hands on a conjure oil and the first thing they’ll want to do is dress a candle. However, as effective as candle magic is it does have its limitations. Besides, not all of us are skilled at candle magic. And not all working are best done with a candle. This is why I like the variety that spiritual baths bring. The following are a list of ways to use a spiritual wash/cologne:

Bath: Washes can be mixed in bath water or can be poured over the body after a shower. When doing a spiritual bath it’s important that you thoroughly clean your bathroom before and after. It’s recommended that you do a spiritual bath AT MINIMUM once a week. More if you are a practicing witch or healer. 

Floor wash: Washes/colognes can be used to wash your floors. This is a very effective way to clear unwanted energy from your space and/or draw in blessings. It’s recommended that you spiritually wash your floors once a week. 

Bless altars: Spirits respond very well to scents and plant essences. When tending to your altar sprinkle a bit of cologne on your sacred space while saying prayers or talking to your spirits. 

Cleanse crystals, ritual items, and spiritual tools: All of these items can be cleansed with a spiritual wash/cologne.